Illustrator & Editorial Designer

✺ Creating while seeing the sun rise ✺

"Lina has been a huge help throughout the creative and design process, even for print. She is a professional who is extremely dedicated, the amount of detail, lighting and pen skill is incredible. I love working with her not only for that but for the quality of person she is."

Elizabeth Álvarez
Director, Editorial Alerce

"Working with Lina is a pleasure. Not only in terms of the quality of the illustrations, but also in the way she treats her clients. The end result is always exactly what one had imagined, or even better!"

Nathalia Tórtora
Publishing Editor
Wattpad specialist WEBTOON Studios

Lina Ganef

Lina likes to draw and design, although she also likes series, vampires, 80's Japanese pop, fantastic creatures and staring at the trees for hours.

She has worked with Editorial Alerce / Akane Editorial / Rainbow Crate / Dazzling Bookish Shop, among others.

Radiance Series

Tavia Lark

Dust jacket fully illustrated and adaptable paperback versions. This special edition commemorated seven years of the series. I worked on a completely new concept for the series with the main characters illustrated on the cover.

El Cuento de las Camelias Rojas


Illustrated cover for the novel El Cuento de las Camelias Rojas by ValeGemina. A period romance. Two wounded men looking to love each other.

Amores en el Raj Británico Series

Leonela Hidalgo

Illustrated book covers for Amores en el Raj Británico series by Leonela Hidalgo. Love stories in the heart of the British Empire's dominance over India.

Rowan & Aldred: Ambrosia T.2

Lucie Fleury

Illustrated book cover for Rowan & Aldred the second book in the Ambrosia series by Lucie Fleury. A medieval world full of magic where humans are closer to the Gods than ever.

Monsters Within Men

Rainbow Crate / TJ Rose

Dust jacket illustrated for the special edition of the book Monsters Within Men by TJ Rose, published by Rainbow Crate. The book was part of the April 2024 themed box. Adult post-apocalyptic romance.

Cruel Prince

Holly Black

Illustrated book cover for the first book in Holly Black's Folk of the Air series, Cruel Prince. English version. No publishing agreement to date.


Miranda Page

Illustrated book cover for Soren by Miranda Page. Urban fantasy. LGBTQ+. English version.


Bram Stoker

Illustrated book cover for Dracula, english version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.

The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller

Illustrated book cover for The Song of Achilles, english version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Lewis Carroll / Published by Editorial Alerce

Illustrated book cover for the classic book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with more than 20 illustrations of my authorship. Published by Editorial Alerce. Spanish version.

Other products illustrated by me:

Phantom of the Opera

Gaston Leroux

Illustrated book cover for the classic The Phantom of the Opera, english version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.


Stephenie Meyer

Illustrated book cover for Twilight, english version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.


Neil Gaiman

Illustrated book cover for Coraline, english version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.

Howl's Moving Castle

Diana Wynne Jones

Illustrated book cover for the classic Howl's Moving Castle, spanish version. Personal project. No publishing agreement to date.

Prices are bases. Please keep in mind that the final price will reflect the complexity and extra charges.

PercentageExtra charges
15%Small accessory
20%Large accessory
15%Symbology design
50%Additional character
30%Commercial use
30%Urgent Commission
10%Remove author mark

Remember, these are just packages, if you would like to adjust according to your budget we can do it. But keep in mind that there will be considerations and adjustments.

Please note
a) All covers are full color with half body characters, for covers with full body characters an additional 15% will be charged.
b) All packs have a high level of composition. The client will be given two proposals. If it is a series of books, I will offer an adaptable design, which can be used in the following covers as long as the series continues to be illustrated by me.
c) Includes texture work, background, and compositional objects set according to each packet.
d) The packs do not include additional objects carried by the characters, whether they are small or weapons, as the case may be.
e) The background and the interaction of the characters with it are included according to the proposals that I deliver, always following the specifications of each pack.
f) All packages include typographic work, but the Mars Pack, a more complex design of it.
All packages have a high level of composition, typography and detail. I offer you a careful edition, with great chromatic value and illustration and design fundamentals.
Additional valuesEndpapers: $40 USD and more, depending on the complexity of the design or pattern. This value can be mixed with the other packages I manage for illustrated scenes (see below), so the endpapers can be illustrated scenes.Bookmark: 30 USD and more, depending on the complexity. But this price includes all the basics (illustrated objects for bookmarks, text design for quotes and adding contact or social media information). I illustrate bookmarks that can contain illustrated characters, the values would be added to the initial: (80 USD half body, 40 USD portrait) if the character will carry a weapon or special item, the percentages specified in my website are added.Edges: 20 USD or more, depending on complexity. Illustrated objects, effects, or color patterns, etc.Flaps: 30 USD or more, depending on the complexity. The illustration can be extended across the entire cover if you chose the Saturn Pack.

Please note
a) All packs have three poses, each pack specifies in which terms. To add an additional pose you must pay 35 USD.
b) Items carried by the character are not included. However, for a considerable number of objects (3 or more) you will get a discount. These objects must be small.
c) For a character design with textures of objects and elements in a more advanced way (metals, silks, special details on fabrics, etc.) you will have to pay an additional 20%.
d) The poses included are in semi-realistic technique.
e) The pages have design, this is determined depending on the packet.
e) If you need the illustrated card in gray, 10% will be discounted from the total price.
My character design has great composition in terms of design and can be adapted to any type of genre, be it book or comic. They can also be used for character design for other media.

Please note
a) All packs include typographic work. That is, you will receive the cover with the title of the book included.
b) The background is included, following the specifications of each package; from basic to advanced.
c) All covers are full color with half body characters, for covers with full body characters an additional 15% will be charged.
d) All packs include only one character.
e) Textures, effects and compositing are included.
Note: These packs for digital covers have a high chromatic and compositing level.

Please note
a) All packs are of full color half body characters.
b) For full body scenes, an additional 15% will be added to the total price.
c) If you want any of these packs in a more basic color or color sketch, 20% will be reduced to the total price. Please note that this will affect the lighting so it will be basic.
d) The packs do not include additional objects or weapons.
e) The background is included, following the specifications of each package. For a background much more advanced than the established categories, an additional 20% will be charged.
d) If you need the scene in gray, 10% will be reduced to the total value.
Note: These packs of illustrated scenes have a good atmospheric level. From the basic pack to the most advanced one.Considerations:
All packages have a high level of lighting, perspective, color management and good technical skills. I offer you a scene full of magic, with expressiveness, composition and atmosphere.


* If the commission is for personal use, it will have a watermark of authorship, if you wish to remove it, you will have to pay the extra charge. If the commission is for commercial use, this price is included in the cost estimate.* Prices are subject to change depending on the complexity of the work.* You will not claim my work as yours. You must give me credit for the creation of the commissioned work(s).* I have the right, as the creator, to use the commission for promotional purposes (samples, post on my social media, speedpaints, etc) unless you do not want it and we have an agreed, and this will only be valid for 12 months. If a commercial contract was signed, it will stipulate how much of the work I can make public.* I have the right to refuse any commission.* The time of delivery of the commission will depend on the volume of actual work I am handling at the time. If you wish to have a commission done within a specific time period of an urgent matter there will be an additional charge.


* Payment will be made through PayPal or by international bank transfer. Any extra charges charged by the platforms or banks fees will be paid by the client.* For the final delivery of the work, the client must pay the full amount of the total price.* The work will not be started without receiving a first payment or full payment.


* You are required to credit me for the work as follows: Lina Ganef, @linaganef on social media. Regardless of the format used, be it physical or digital publications or mentions in social media.


* The copyright of the illustration(s) produced belongs to me. Which allows me to: * Keep the rights to each illustration or piece designed.* When the client acquires its commercial use, it has the right to publish the content under the support that has been stipulated in the contract. You may not use it under any other medium or support that has not been established in the contract. I am not transferring the authorship rights to you at any time.* The final work may be published in any of my social media or websites unless we have agreed otherwise.* In the event that the work is for commercial use, I will not use the piece to sell or resell it through digital or physical products, unless I am given explicit permission to do so.The client may do the following:* Use the commissioned piece for personal use and/or commercial use; the last, stated by contract.** Claiming the characters or what happens in the piece as your own.* Using the piece to promote yourself.The following actions would be considered copyright infringement:* Reproduce or use the piece for commercial purposes without having established a contract with me for commercial rights.* Remove my firm from the illustration without having paid the amount mentioned above.* Change the design without my consent.In case of violation, legal proceedings will be executed.


* I like to keep in touch with the client. However, I ask for caution with the channels through which I will keep in touch with you, be they email or WhatsApp Business. Respect my schedule and the creative process involved in making an artistic piece. For that reason, please refrain from harassment, aggression or any kind of pressure if we have established deadlines.* If after having delivered the piece, it presents some technical problem, please write to me at [email protected]


* At the moment of agreeing a commission you decide whether to pay 50% or cancel 100% of the total price. If for any eventuality you decide to cancel the work, 20% of the amount you have deposited will be deducted. This is for management reasons. This condition applies at all times even if the work has not been started.* If the work has been started but you decide to cancel it, there will be no refund.* To request a cancellation and/or refund you must write to me at the following email: [email protected].- If for any reason I am unable to complete the work for reasons beyond my control, you will receive a full refund.- If you receive a refund, please do not request a chargeback from PayPal. I will refund your money myself.* If you request a chargeback at any time when you have not been allowed to request a refund, you will lose all of the above rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to make additional profits in any way. In addition to that, I will reject the chargeback and provide PayPal with our conversations as evidence of what we have settled.


* You will be notified when your commission has been accepted.* During the process you may request wip or previews• The setbacks are as follows: three (3) for sketching, two (2) for color proofs and one (1) for final details. If you exceed these limits, you will have to pay an additional charge (see table below)* If you request a change that completely changes the original idea, even if approved during sketching, this will be taken as a new project, therefore we will start from scratch and establish new dates and a new amount to be paid.• The time it takes to complete your commission will change depending on the schedules and dates we establish. If any inconvenience arises that delays the delivery (health problems, technical problems or force beyond our control) I will let you know as soon as possible.• For the final delivery of the commission you will have to pay the full amount of the piece. After notifying the payment and in a maximum of 12hrs I will send you the files by email in high quality and in the formats you have requested.

PercentageExtra charges
15%Small accessory
20%Large accessory
15%Symbology design
50%Additional character
30%Commercial use
30%Urgent Commission
10%Remove author mark


1. How long will it take you to deliver the commission?It will depend on the volume of work but may take between four weeks to a month.2. If I need the commission urgently, how would it be handled?There is an additional charge for urgent commissions but if there is space in my agenda we could work it out without you having to pay that additional charge.

3. How is the commercial aspect handled and in which cases does it apply?The commercial percentage applies as long as the illustration or the commission project is for physical or digital publications or for commercial purposes for diverse supports.4. I have something in mind but I don't see that you work that in particular or I don't see what category it could fit in. What can I do?Write me at [email protected]. I accept illustration projects and even illustrations for merch or prints. Explain me what do you want and I'll be glad to help you.


How do I send you my proposal?To request a commission, please write to me at [email protected] and title the subject as follows: Request for commission. Inside the email please provide me the following information:* Category to be commissioned.
* Your name and pronouns. Also attach your social media if you like as well as contact information.
* Will the commission be for personal or commercial use?
* Describe the commission, what you want, the number of characters involved. Send two or three references of what you are looking for in visual terms. Detail in depth what you will be commissioning so I can give you a specific price quote.
* If the commission is of urgent nature (with this I refer to commissions whose deadline is anchored to publication) specify it.

Please note:I will analyze the proposal and in case it is accepted under the established terms, I will send you the quote. If you do not receive a quote within a maximum of three days, your request was not approved.* If the commission you wish to submit to me is different from the ones stipulated here, please write me to the same email and specify what it would be. This applies whether it is a medium or long term project.* If you have any doubts about where your commission would be classified or doubts regarding my work methodology, please do not hesitate to write to me at the above mentioned email.

PercentageExtra charges
15%Small accessory
20%Large accessory
15%Symbology design
50%Additional character
30%Commercial use
30%Urgent Commission
10%Remove author mark
WorkDo not work
FanartsOffensive art promoting hate speech
Original character illustrationAnother artist's style
Illustrated book coversFurry
Graphic novel illustrationsExcessive gore
Erotic / NSFW LIGHT 
Creature design